Thursday, February 11, 2016

Using Check Out Feature in Cumulus

Today we will show all the steps for configuring your catalog to allow users to "check in" and "check out" assets. The first five steps are for setting Cumulus vault to support multiple versions of an asset. The last four focus on "Fields for Asset Version Control" which is the feature that enables check out.

STEP 1: Go to Server Console -> Vault Server, and turn on checkbox for "Activate Vault Server". For Vault Storage Folder, enter the filepath to where your vault files will be backed up. To keep the filesystem nice and tidy, set "Create a New Folder After" to 7 days. Click "Save Changes", and go back to the Cumulus native client.

STEP 2: Open Preferences -> Catalog Settings -> General. Turn on checkbox for "Use Central Asset Location" and click "Browse.." button, select "Vault AssetStore" and click "OK"

STEP 3: For Select Remote Module, type in "localhost" if your vault storage location is on the same machine. If it is on another computer or device, choose the DNS name or IP address.

STEP 4: Next, in the "Choose an Asset Location" window, turn on "Use Vault Folder", and click "New Folder.." to select your catalog.

STEP 5: For Mode option, choose "Always" if you want to keep backup copy of assets in vault even if the record is deleted. Or, if you want vault backup copies deleted when record is deleted, then choose "Always and exclusive". Turn on checkboxes for "Share Catalog" and "Allow Web access"

STEP 6: Go to the Record Fields tab, next to General. Click on "Add Field.." and go to Modules -> Catalog Templates, and select "Fields for Asset Version Control", and click "OK"

This will automatically add 4 record fields for Check out Date, Location, User, and User ID (highlighted in screenshot below)

STEP 7: Go to Preferences -> Asset Handling Sets -> Modules -> Asset Storage. Select "Vault AssetStore" and click "Activate" Click "Apply" and "OK" to close Preferences.

STEP 8: To set the check out destination path in your filesystem, go to Preferences -> User Settings -> General -> Application. Turn on checkbox for "Use Checkout Location" and click the 3 dots [...] to select the folder.

STEP 9: Final step, back in your catalog, double-click an asset to open the information window. You should see the new vault path in the "Asset Reference" field.

When you right-click assets in your catalog, you will now see "Check Out.." option is available.