XMP Sample Header:
<rdf:li>PANTONE 368 CV</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>PANTONE Cool Gray 11 CV</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>PANTONE 485 CV</rdf:li>
<rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
<xmpG:groupName>Default Swatch Group</xmpG:groupName>
<rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
<xmpG:swatchName>PANTONE 368 CV</xmpG:swatchName>
<rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
<xmpG:swatchName>PANTONE 485 CV</xmpG:swatchName>
<rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
<xmpG:swatchName>PANTONE Cool Gray 11 CV</xmpG:swatchName>
STEP 1: Go to Cumulus -> Preferences...STEP 2: From Preferences go to Catalog Settings -> Record Fields -> Color Names. Then click the "Properties..." button
STEP 3: Inside Field Properties, select the following checkboxes:
• Index for sorting/searching
• Index for contain-searching
• Include field in sorting options for record pane
• Include field in find and filter options
STEP 4: Now add the new fields to your asset display view. Go to Preferences -> Asset Info Window -> General, and click "Add..." for both "Color Names" and "XMP Metadata"
STEP 5: Click "Properties..." for Color Names, and modify the "Number of Lines" count to be greater than "1", so you can see all the colors listed. In this example, I set it to "5". Click "OK".
STEP 6: To test, go back to your catalog and do a search for "pantone"
STEP 7: Double-click the result to view the Information Window of the asset. Scroll down to display the color separation and XMP details.